Sorry for the long delay in posting, everyone!

This is one I’ve been meaning to post for awhile – it’s been hibernating in my “Drafts” folder!

I’ll start off my saying that I’m not big into meat-eating for a variety of health-, animal welfare- and environment-related reasons. However, if you are going to eat meat, then going for animals who have had a good quality of life, e.g. free range or grass fed animals, is far better for you and for the animals.

KL doesn’t have a lot of free-range burger places. One of the few is KGB Burger in Bangsar. The place is always full of people – it’s a quick and easy in and out. Your classic burger joint atmosphere.

Thankfully for us gluten-free’s, their beef patties are 100% beef patty. So no additives, etc. You’ll need to avoid the buns, fries, and all the non-fresh add-ons. I’ve had the egg, mushrooms, and avocadoes as add-ons, and did just fine. They tell me that they grill their meats and buns in separate places, and I’ve never had a reaction. Just talk to them each time and make sure!

They’re not the most eco-conscious establishment, which is why I tend to stay away from them. For instance, I once asked them to use free-range eggs as well, and they said that they wouldn’t because there was no discernible taste difference for the cost difference! So they’re very much about bottom line there. But their burgers are good, so it’s an okay indulgence from time to time for me!

Here is a link to KGB’s Facebook page.

  • Allergy friendly: ***
  • Taste: *****
  • Atmosphere: ** Classic burger joint .
  • Service: *
  • Cost: $ – A burger is about RM12



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