Category: Eating In


Another super easy go-to dish for when you have no time: a mix between a quiche and a fritatata (was that one too many “ta’s”?)

Qui-Ta-Ta Recipe
A qui-ta-ta is so quick and easy!


  • Any “hardier” veggies you have on hand: zucchini, mushrooms, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, beans
  • A good number of eggs (3-4 per person)
  • Salt, Pepper to taste

Cut up zucchini, mushrooms, potatoes (thinly, or can be boiled or stir-fried first), tomatoes, carrots, beans, whatever you have on hand, really. Layer into casserole dish or baking tray.

Beat a bunch of eggs (depends on how much of the qui-ta-ta you’d like). Rough rule of thumb: 4-5 eggs (go for “kampung eggs,” i.e. free range) for two people. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Throw onto casserole or baking dish. Layer top with potatoes if you like. Bake for 20 minutes or so at around 180C. Delicious for breakfast, lunch, dinner—anytime! For decor, you could stir fry any additional veggies (such as mushrooms) and place on top.



(P.S.: You can add gluten-free sausages or fish or meat in if you’d like as well.)

Fruity Salad

The credit for this invention goes to my gluten-adjusted husband. We participate in an organic plot-share called Vegeboy ( Every week, the delivery right to our doorstep and at an attractive price, fresh, organic veggies from their farm.

Fruity Salad
A light and zesty salad for a hot day.



  • Lettuce
  • Fresh strawberries
  • Fresh (wet) mozzarella cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Lemon juice
  • Balsamic vinaigrette

We often get more lettuce than we know what to do with, so one day my husband invented this salad: fresh strawberries (from Cameron Highlands, usually organic), fresh (wet) mozzarella cheese, and lettuce. Drizzled lightly with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice, and balsamic vinaigrette. Light and tasty. Great for a hot day.

A variation: use cut up oranges instead of strawberries. Omit the cheese and dress with an Asian-flavored homemade sauce: toasted sesame oil, rice vinegar, gluten-free soy sauce, a little wheat-free miso if you have it on hand, some chilli sauce or paste (check labels), and some raw honey.

