Category: Eating Out

Gluten-Free in Doha, Qatar!

Okay, folks, this is a difficult one. I’m currently on the road for work and will aim to blog a little on the food-related discoveries I make while travelling gluten-free.

Quick one: many people won’t know what you mean by “gluten-free” here. The best you can do is ask if any wheat or barley or pre-made sauces were used in the preparation of a food. Thankfully, most middle eastern food is naturally gluten-free. You’ll have to watch for wheat mixed into sauces, breads or pitas, and/or pre-made sauces which contain wheat extract, barley, etc. If the restaurant is purist about things, most of the food will be made from chick peas, rice, olive oil, et cetera — all happy foods for us celiacs.

However, in places like airports, go for simple Mediterranean foods like hummus, baba ghanoush, and grape leaves.

Keep it simple when you're in a pickle at places like the Hamad Airport in Doha. Hummus, baba ghanoush, and maybe some grape leaves.
Keep it simple when you’re in a pickle at places like the Hamad Airport in Doha. Hummus, baba ghanoush, and maybe some grape leaves.

Make sure to double confirm that there is no wheat added as a thickener, and no pre-made sauces used. The three items above are usually a safe bet!




Exciting Avenue K!

Oh gosh, I am super excited! There are not one but at least TWO gluten-free cafes in the brand new Avenue K (adjacent to KLCC)! Have already tried one out, and think they are a solid lunch time option.

The entire mall is full of these alternative-style, urban-eco-chic coffee joints, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there there were others in the area. The moment you step in, there are tons of “fair trade” this and “organic” that signs around. My kind of place. If I wasn’t in an over-airconditioned mall, I’d think I was in Williamsburg, Brooklyn or something! 🙂

Will be reviewing each of these places individually soon, but for now, happy dining at Avenue K!


Witches and Brew at Avenue K
Witches and Brew at Avenue K