Author: Daisy

Daisy boosts “Boost” for excellent allergy information!

What is certainly a noticeable trend is that health-focused stores in Malaysia are taking the lead on developing an allergy-minded culture here. I was pleasantly surprised to see the following pamphlet at the counter of Boost Juice, a fruit juice chain that originated from the UK, in Midvalley Mall. The pamphlet provided information on nutrition and allergens in Boost’s main offerings. Thankfully for us gluten-phobes, most of their menu is gluten-free, with the exception of some of their chocolate- and granola-based smoothies and their wheatgrass shooter.

Boost is a leader in providing allergy and nutrition information to consumers here in Malaysia.
Boost is a leader in providing allergy and nutrition information to consumers here in Malaysia.

Here’s a list of their offerings with gluten:

  • King William Chocolate Low Fat Smoothie
  • Raspberry Ripe Low Fat Smoothie
  • Cookies ‘n Creame Low Fat Smoothie
  • Brekkie to Gogo Super Smoothie
  • Gym Junkie Super Smoothie
  • Wheatgrass Shooter



Yay that for once, the “yes” list is longer than the “no-no’s!” Boost Juice is available at virtually every large mall in Malaysia. Don’t forget to ask them to wash out the blender before making yours.




Living Allergen-Free in KL

Celiacs or persons with strong food allergies are more likely to be sensitive to other allergens all around them. There is much research done on this and I encourage you to read up if you have some time on your hands.

However, if you’re part of the choir on this one, then you might find the following tips on de-allergenizing your home helpful:

  • Get as much of your food as possible from local and organic sources. Sign up with plotshares like
  • Get a produce wash, such as the one below. Melaleuca, Cosway (Ecomax range), and various brands on carry a version
  • Use low-impact detergent, such as Seventh Generation, available at Cold Storage and other grocery stores. Alternatively,  Melaleuca and Cosway (Ecomax) also carry versions.
  • Use garbage enzyme or other natural cleaners (vinegar, lemon juice) instead of harsh chemical based ones. We find the garbage enzyme sold at Justlife or BMS Organics an indispensable part of our household supplies.
Biokleen Produce Wash
Produce Wash removes chemicals from your food


Hypoallergenic Home Cleaning Supplies
Hypoallergenic Home Cleaning Supplies – Seventh Generation laundry detergent, white vinegar, pure tea tree oil (from Body Shop), garbage enzyme (in plastic bottles on right and in spray bottles)












